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Cities of California . Geography map games

You have to click as close as possible to the city requested. Your scores are calculated based on the distance between your click and the true location. There is a time bonus each time.

Most populous cities on the US West Coast (JetPunk)

Name the most populous cities on the West Coast of United States, given the state and the population.

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

America's least-educated cities (JetPunk)

Name America's least well-educated cities. Name the American cities where the lowest percentage of adults have bachelor's degrees. Includes cities with a population above 250,000.

It is an educational ...

Biggest cities in California (JetPunk)

Can you name the 20 biggest cities in California?

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

You have to click as close as possible to the city requested. Your scores are calculated based on the distance between your click and the true location. There is a time bonus each time.

Name the most populous cities on the West Coast of United States, given the state and the population.

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

Name America's least well-educated cities. Name the American cities where the lowest percentage of adults have bachelor's degrees. Includes cities with a population above 250,000.

It is an educational ...

Can you name the 20 biggest cities in California?

It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.

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